Have a Pancake Party

(NOTE) This is an article I wrote in 2010. I thought you would like to read it. When you aren’t sure what to make far a meal, pancakes are a great idea. And making a party out of them is always fun.


The butter sizzles and dances on the surface of the griddle. I watch as Momma pours the thick batter into the shape of an R, the first letter of my name. More batter, more letters; we are having a “Pancake Party.”

Occasionally, my mom and my Aunt Elna would mix up a big bowl of pancake batter, gather us kids together, and give us pancakes for supper. These weren’t ordinary, plain, round pancakes; they were unique, fancy, odd shaped pancakes.

Our imaginations ran wild as we made suggestions for shapes we wanted to see. “Make a flower.” We would say. “Can you make a boy, or a girl?” The free-formed shapes didn’t look perfect, but that didn’t matter to us. Continue reading

Love and Loss

I’ve thought a lot about life and loss lately. In January, a wonderful woman was taken from us. She lived a full life…94 years. Although I only knew her for the last four and a half years, that time will always be precious to me. I came to love her like a mother.

Memories of the loss of another person I loved came to mind and I wanted to share it with you. This is the story of a friendship I developed in 1996.
Continue reading

An Amazing Woman

Today is the anniversary of my grandmother’s birth; she would be 106 years old. To honor this great lady, I’m posting an entry entitled AMAZING GRACE. from my old blog I hope you enjoy it.

My grandma, Grace, was small in stature, but big in spirit. The mother of nine children and grandmother to hundreds of grandchildren, Grace was the glue that kept them all together.

Under 5 foot tall, she was a force of great intensity. She controlled her family firmly with love and a deep faith. She made everyone feel valued.

I remember the mouthwatering aromas often wafting from her kitchen: fresh baked bread, savory roasts, or fried chicken. The bread dough became loaves of delicious, warm bread, sticky sweet rolls, or stacks of fried dough dripping with cinnamon sugar and butter. The aroma of pork rendering on the stove promised “cracklins,”crispy, salty bite-sized pieces of meat, to snack on. The fat saved for frying future meals. (We didn’t know about saturated and cholesterol back then.)

Grandma was the one who encouraged me to read the Bible; she gave me my first Bible after I learned to read a verse to her. I remember the verse well, it’s still one of my favorites. John 3:16 “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever shall believe in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

My grandma’s been gone for quite some time now, but I think about her every day and I find myself repeating her advise often. She was a wonderful woman and I really miss her. I was blessed to have a grandmother like her in my life.

Do you have such an influence in your life? I certainly hope so